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2 fingers pointing at some lines joining, as a symbol of connecting the dots and learning from each others

Learn from Each Other
skills, behaviours

Convinced that solving complex problems today can only be achieved with the collaboration of a diverse group of people more than focusing on one expertise, Get Ahead Leadership offers exclusive programs to capitalise on the collective intelligence. 

At Get Ahead Leadership, we thrive by unlocking the power of peer-to-peer learning. Our innovative solutions tap into the wealth of expertise and experience within your organisation, delivering a transformative experience. By blending a top-down guidance with real-life application and collaborative learning, our programs provide a holistic and effective learning experience. We believe that this dynamic hands-on approach leads to greater knowledge retention and practical skill-building, empowering you and your team to achieve remarkable growth and success.


Emerging Leaders

We empower middle managers to fully embrace their roles and responsibilities and strengthen their managerial practice. Using a 2-pronged learning and development approach that combines theory and practice, our program includes a blend of training, coaching, and co-development. Our comprehensive approach ensures that participants gain practical skills and knowledge that they can immediately apply to their roles, while also providing them with the support and guidance they need.

Leaders' Peer Support & Development 

By developing talents and enhancing their listening skills, our structured program facilitates collaboration and support leadership's effectiveness and impact. The program is designed to tap into collective intelligence, encourage individual and group reflections, and help define and implement concrete actions. By fostering a culture of open communication, growth mindset and skill-building, this program helps to unleash the full potential of leaders and create long-lasting peer support groups.

Co-Development Facilitator Training

Our co-development facilitation training program aims to support HR professionals or managers in taking on the role of internal co-development facilitators. Through a combination of practical experimentation, hands-on practice, and professional supervision, participants will gain the necessary skills, knowledge and confidence to effectively facilitate co-development sessions within their organization. They will contribute to promote a culture of collaboration and learning. 

Mentoring Program

Our well-rounded methodology assists organisations in implementing effective mentoring programs.

We provide structure, training, and supervision to mentors to ensure that they have the support they need to succeed. Our approach is designed to facilitate productive and meaningful mentor-mentee relationships, which not only benefit the individuals involved but also contribute to the organization's overall success.

Business Booster

In today's fast-changing world, entrepreneurs are often faced with the daunting task of making critical decisions about the growth or future of their business, alone. They are confronted with major societal and environmental tensions that cannot be resolved alone. They need to fully integrate those challenges in their business equations. 

Our program, based on Co Development, is designed to provide them with a support system that enables them to share their challenges with like-minded professionals and collaboratively find concrete actions to put in place. Leveraging the power of group dynamics, they know where to start and how to take action.

Contact Us

We offer both face-to-face and virtual services to cater to our clients' needs, regardless of their location around the world.



Aude Beneton

Hélène Bertoneche

  • LinkedIn Aude Beneton
  • LinkedIn Helene Bertoneche

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